We have added a couple of Website Acceleration Tools into your Website Control Panel to aid you to quite easily optimize the online performance of your web sites. You will not have to transform anything at all inside the program code or generate special configurations that require tech comprehension on your part. Inside the Website Control Panel, just select the tool you would like to make use of – Node.js, Memcached and Varnish and create an instance for it. It’s all done with a mouse click. By quickening your sites, you will not only stop your visitors from being required to wait but can even make your website get better positions in search engine listings.

You will find the Website Acceleration Tools inside the Advanced Applications area of your Website Control Panel.


RAM–saving as a substitute for data–base calls

If you’ve got an active database–driven web site or web app, it may have issues running quickly for the website visitors as a result of the many different requests sent to the data base. To aid you eliminate the web page streaming problem, we have incorporated the Memcached tool within the Website Control Panel.

Memcached is known as an effective distributed memory caching platform, which caches information as well as objects in the server’s RAM in order to avoid the data base from being asked each time a visitor loads a specific webpage. Using this method, your site pages are going to load sooner for site visitors and will definitely raise the chance for them to return.

Hepsia File Manager


RAM–memorizing instead of HTTP queries

If you’ve got content–intense dynamic web sites with numerous graphics plus videos, you will without a doubt need to be sure that your web pages work very quickly for your website visitors. An awesome tool you should use is the Varnish HTTP accelerator that can help you boost your websites without needing you to have any specialized computing abilities.

Varnish stores all queries towards the web server inside the server RAM and ships the web pages instantly to the website visitor by evading completely new calls for the server. In this way, all web pages on your site are going to be streamed 300 – 1000x times faster to your site visitors. You can even decide whether the incoming queries will be taken care of by Varnish, or by the server, etc.

Hepsia File Manager


An easy way to build up flexible apps

Should you want to produce an app, you need to have all the instruments you’ll need available immediately, without having to lookup, arrange and install them. Our Website Control Panel can save you both time and expenses, by offering you the equipment you may need right where you need it.

The Node.js tool helps developers, whether or not they are experts or not, to make adaptable network applications and web sites. It is in line with the Google V8 JavaScript engine along with the libUV. Node.js employs an event–based, non–blocking I/O pattern that makes it compact as well as efficient, excellent for data–loaded live apps operating across distributed devices.

Hepsia File Manager