Website Optimization Resources
Totally free Website Optimization Resources for your site

Using the collection of Website Optimization Resources incorporated into the Website Control Panel, you’re able to begin promoting your new web site, as soon as it has been developed. With the RSS News syndication tool, you can quickly put a regularly kept up–to–date notifications area in your site. Utilizing the GeoIP re–direction program, you can easily redirect your customers in line with their country. Furthermore, through the Sitemap Generator, you can generate a comprehensive sitemap for your site and submit it to the search engines.
A Sitemap Generator
For effective bot listing
A sitemap is a set of the pages on a site that can be accessed by robots and end users. You may use a sitemap to tell major search engines which pages within your web site you would like to be crawled. Moreover, a sitemap may help your users find their way on your web site. You’d normally employ a 3rd party sitemap software to getting a sitemap for your website. However, with eTexHosting, you get a sitemap generator comfortably placed in your eTexHosting Website Control Panel.
Within the Advanced Applications section, click on Sitemap Generator and after choosing the format of your sitemap, click on the Crawl button. The sitemap of your site will be generated within a few minutes and you will be able to send it to the major search engines.
GeoIP Redirection
Very easy location–driven re–direction
We offer a very simple instrument, which will let you sort the visitors of your website depending on their country. For example, using the GeoIP redirection tool, you can quickly direct all of the traffic from Spain to the Spanish version of your site if you’ve got such. This can help you target your visitors far more accurately and offer them with the online stay they are expecting.
No special skills or special comprehension are necessary to make use of the GeoIP re–direction tool, and you no longer have to use .htaccess files to get the job done.
RSS News
Show the latest publications within your site
What is RSS? RSS represents a method for distributing and collecting information. It’s becoming commonly used by news websites, personal blogs, newscasts, and so on. The posted content is easily collected through a feed reader and then shown to the consumer. Utilizing RSS, customers may collect news from a wide range of websites and go through them in one place.
With the RSS News Syndication application, you can quickly integrate headlines feeds from many of the world’s most widely used news outlets and exhibit them within your website.